Sky Institute

Eric Moser serves on the Board of Directors for the Sky Institute.

The Mission of the Sky Institute is to implement pragmatic and sustainable strategies in design, energy, town planning, and agricultural production, and create and incubate transformational ideas that will nourish healthy communities and educate current and future generations.


Katrina Cottage

 The Katrina Cottage is a small, sturdy house that can be delivered
at the cost of a FEMA trailer. It may be temporary or permanent.
Some permanent models are designed to expand into full-sized dwellings.


Eric was an early member of the Mississippi Renewal Forum team where he developed a design that became available to the residents of Mississippi and Louisiana who found themselves rebuilding after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005. Since the Katrina Cottage was first constructed in Ocean Springs, Mississippi, MDG has been included in the Lowe’s Katrina Kit houses and has also designed many like-Cottages that have been built throughout the Mississippi gulf coast and the country.